Monday, June 13, 2016

Planning for 2016-2017!

Our board has started meeting to plan activities and events for the upcoming year. We are extremely excited about some of the ideas being brought to the table and look forward to meeting all of the new significant others!! Some activities and events that we are planning for this year include:

  • Saturday morning coffee get together - Last year we had great success with this get together. You don't even have to drink coffee to attend! It's simply a kickoff to the weekend where spouses/significant others take turns hosting and everyone mingles and gets to know each other 
  • Adult-only night - Once a month we will host an event for adults only. These events will include wine & paint night, bowling, or crock-pot/freezer meal prep. 
  • Play dates - Once a week we will coordinate play dates at the Harrogate Park 
  • SAA Meetings - SAA Meetings will provide members with exclusive access to special meetings such as a couples workshop on how to survive medical school as a couple, review a road map to medical school, financial advisors session, private discussion regarding rotations, as well as many other meetings just for SAA members!
  • Event planning meetings - At our board meetings we will plan events such as a Fall Festival for students, faculty and their families as well as a Thanksgiving dinner for everyone. Members are invited to participate in these planning sessions and encouraged to volunteer at events. 

We look forward to all of these activities and welcome ideas from everyone!

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