
Student Advocate Association

for the
DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine


Adopted: April 10, 2008
Amended: January 2009
                  September 2010
                  January 2015
Article I: Name:
The name of this organization shall be the Student Advocate Association for the DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine. Herein after it shall be known as SAA DCOM.

Article II: Mission/Objective
The objectives of this organization shall be to prepare the members for their future as advocates for osteopathic physicians, to promote projects which will benefit the DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (DCOM), the local community, and the osteopathic profession. SAA DCOM shall support the students of DCOM and their families as well as advocate for healthy living practices within the surrounding communities.
These objectives shall be achieved through activities relative to the osteopathic profession and its educational institutions by encouraging fellowship and unity within the student body of DCOM and by planning social activities for the students, their families, and significant others.

Article III: Membership
Section A: Term of Membership
The term of membership shall be one (1) year, from August 1 to July 31, inclusive.
Section B: Active Membership
The membership of the organization shall be open to the immediate family, extended family, and significant others of the students enrolled at DCOM; DCOM students, faculty, and staff; and members of the surrounding community interested in promoting osteopathic medicine.  Only active members who have attended 50% of SAA DCOM activities are eligible to sit on the SAA Board and live locally.

Article IV: Dues
Section A:
     Amount of Dues Dues shall be ten dollars per year or fifteen dollars per couple, five dollars of which will go to the SAA DCOM parent organization, the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA), to pay national dues.  Four year memberships are available for thirty dollars for four years or forty-five dollars per couple
Section B:
     Entitlement Dues paid entitle members to a vote and voice in all meetings of the organization, participation in various SAA DCOM club, service, and social activities, and to receive copies of publications of both SAA DCOM and the AAOA. Payment of dues shall also entitle members to student associate membership in the AAOA.

Article V: Meeting

Section A:
      Regular meetings of the SAA shall be held once a month, the day and week to be determined by the Executive Board at the first meeting of the board. No general meetings shall be scheduled during DCOM vacations.
Section B:
      The regular meeting held in the month of April shall be for the election of officers.
Section C:
     The President may call special meetings.
Section D:    
     Special meetings may be called by the President upon written request of five members of the organization.
Section E:    
     A quorum shall constitute the members present at a given meeting.

Article VI: Executive Board
Section A:
The President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, immediate past President, two representatives from the first year SAA DCOM class, and the SAA DCOM Advisor(s) shall constitute the Executive Board.

Section B:
The term of office on the Executive Board shall be one year from the date of installation, with the exception of the SAA DCOM Advisor. The President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian shall be installed in the month of May. The two first year class representatives shall be installed in the month of October.

Section C: The duties of the Executive Board shall be:
1. To meet once a month or as needed to conduct the business of the organization between regular meetings, the time and place to be determined at the first meeting of the Executive Board.
2. To submit a report of each Executive Board meeting to the membership, either via email, in the newsletter, or as an oral report at the general meeting.
3. To make any necessary recommendations to the membership.
4. To fill any vacancies of officers.
5. To review recommendations for bylaws and standing rules revisions and present these to the membership for a vote.
6. To approve the annual budget, as presented by the Treasurer.
7. To approve the committee chairpersons.
8. To approve programs as presented by the program committee chairperson.
9. To plan activities for Orientation Week.
Section D:    
     A simple majority of the executive board shall constitute a quorum.

Section E:
      Meetings shall be called by the President or shall be called upon the request of three members.

Sections F:
      All Executive Board meetings shall be open to the membership of the organization.

Article VII: Officers

Section A:
      The elective officers shall be the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and two first year SAA DCOM class representatives.
Section B:    
     The term of office shall be one year. No member shall hold more than one office at any one time.
Section C:    
     Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the 1st Vice President shall succeed to that office. In the event the 1st Vice President is unable to succeed to the office of President, then the 2nd Vice President shall succeed to that office. In the event the 2nd Vice President is unable to succeed to the office of the President, then the Secretary shall succeed to that office. In the event the Secretary is unable to succeed to the office of the President, then the Treasurer shall succeed to that office. If the Treasurer is unable to succeed to the office of the President, then the Parliamentarian shall succeed to that office.
Should a vacancy occur in the office of 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, or the two first year SAA DCOM class representatives a special election shall be held to fill the position.
Should there be no SAA DCOM member willing to be elected to said vacancy; duties of the vacant office can be dispersed evenly amongst the current executive board.

Section D:
      Nominations shall be presented at the March meeting. Any person being nominated for the position of President shall have at least one year of experience as a SAA DCOM member.

Section E: Elections
1. A majority vote of a quorum shall constitute an election.

2. The elective officers shall be elected annually to serve one year until their successors are elected and qualified.

3. Elections for officers shall be held at the April meeting.

4. Absentee ballots shall be accepted from third and fourth year members who are out of town at clinical sites during the election. The ballot must be returned to the Secretary prior to the April meeting to be counted in the election.

Section F: Duties of the Officers

1. President: It shall be the duty of the President to:

a. Preside at all general SAA DCOM meetings and all Executive Board meetings.

b. Appoint a chairperson or chairpersons of standing committees with the approval of the Executive Board.

c. Review the newsletter and publications of the organization.

d. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.

e. Approve special committees as deemed necessary.

f. Call special meetings as deemed necessary.

g. Work for the accomplishment of the objectives of the organization.

h. Oversee Orientation in the fall for new members and keep a file of pertinent information for next year’s President.

i. Represent the SAA DCOM (or delegate another board member) at the DCOM club meetings and other DCOM functions where deemed necessary.

j. Remain on the Executive Board in an advisory capacity with the right to vote for a period of one year after presidency provided he/she is an active member of the organization during such year.

k. Meet with new Executive Board in May.

l. Submit a list of all newly elected officers and committee chairpersons including significant other’s names and addresses to the national AAOA office by October 1.

m. Compile a continuing written report of duties of office to be given to the newly appointed officer.

n. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.

2. 1st Vice President: It shall be the duty of the 1st Vice President to:

a. Preside in the absence of the President.

b. Be of assistance to the President.

c. Chair the Membership Committee

d. Schedule the baby-sitter for the monthly meetings and other meetings as necessary.

e. Be responsible for general correspondence as directed by the President.

f. Send thank you notes required by the club.

g. Send all birthday, anniversary, new baby, wedding, and sympathy cards to the SAA DCOM members.
h. Create and distribute the annual membership directory.

i. Keep correspondence information updated in the SAA DCOM email account.

j. Compile a written, continuing report of duties of office to be given to the newly appointed officer.

k. Perform all duties usually pertaining to this office.

3. 2nd Vice President: It shall be the duty of the 2nd Vice President


a. Preside in the absence of the President and 1st Vice


b. Chair the Social/Service Committee.

c. Publish the Social Activities calendar monthly.

d. Reserve rooms in the DCOM building for SAA DCOM events.

e. Compile a written, continuing report of duties of office to be given to the newly appointed officer.

f. Perform all duties usually pertaining to this office.

4. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

a. Record the meetings of the organization and the Executive Board.

b. Submit a report of the meeting to the membership monthly, via email and via hard copy at the following meeting.

c. Keep a folder of the archives of minutes.

d. Keep in a separate book a copy of the bylaws and standing rules.

e. Serve on the Membership Committee.

f. Together with the Treasurer keep a current list of paid members.

g. Serve as the liaison between the third and fourth year members who are out of town at clinical sites during the election of new officers.
h. Compile a continuing written report of duties of office to be given to the newly appointed officer.

i. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.

5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

a. Be responsible for all funds belonging to the organization.

b. Collect and receive all monies and keep an account of all funds received.

c. Make an itemized report of all funds, receipts, and disbursements at each regular meeting.

d. Collect dues for this organization and forward the portion designated for AAOA dues to the AAOA as required by October 1.

e. Prepare requests for payment forms for bills, which have been approved by two members of the Executive Board.

f. Together with the Secretary, keep a current list of the paid members.

g. Serve as chair of the Fundraising Committee.

h. Obtain the necessary approval from DOCM administration for fundraising projects.

i. Work with the Executive Board to develop the annual budget.

j. Submit an annual report at the conclusion of office to the President and meet with the new officers.

k. Compile a continuing written report of duties of office to be given to the newly appointed officer.

l. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.

5. Parliamentarian: It shall be the duty of the Parliamentarian to:

a. Advise the presiding officer in responding to points of order and parliamentary inquiries, and generally to provide advice on conducting the meeting according to the rules.

b. Serve as a timekeeper during general meetings and executive board meetings in order to ensure meetings take place in a timely fashion.

c. Make necessary adjustments to the bylaws according to the procedure outlined in Article XI. The Parliamentarian may establish a special bylaw committee if necessary to write amendments.

d. Keep in a separate book a copy of the bylaws and
standing rules.

6. SAA DCOM First Year Class Representatives: It shall be the duty of the first year class representatives to:

a. Represent the interests of the first year class in Executive Board meetings.

b. Assist the Executive Board in whatever capacity needed.

c. Serve on the Service/Social Committee.

Section G: Removal

In the event of an officer failing to attend two out of three consecutive meetings, Executive Board or regular, or failing to perform the duties of his/her office without good and sufficient cause in the opinion of the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall question his/her ability to continue to serve in that capacity. A vote of two-thirds of the Executive Board present shall declare the position vacant.

Article VIII: Standing Committees

Section A:

The Standing Committees shall be:

1. Fundraising

2. Membership

3. Nominating

4. Service/Social

5. Historical/Publishing

6. Finance

Section B: Chairpersons of the Committees

1. The chairpersons of the standing committees will be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Board, unless the committee is chaired by a board member.

2. The duties of the committee chairpersons shall be to:

a. Submit monthly reports on committee activities to the membership.

b. Compile a continuing written report to be given to the newly appointed officers.
Section C: Duties of the Committees

1. Fundraising Committee: It shall be the duty of the Fundraising Committee to plan such projects as are necessary to raise funds for functioning of the organization.

2. Membership Committee: It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to:

a. Contact all eligible members and extend an invitation to the meetings and social events.

b. Increase membership.

c. Maintain the club website to include the following:

i. General Information

ii. Executive Board Roster

iii. Bylaws
3. Nominating Committee
a. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed in January consisting of members appointed from the general membership and chaired by the immediate past President.
b. The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be:

i. Present a slate of members’ names for each office to be filled.
ii. To ascertain that each nominee is eligible for nominated office.
iii. To ascertain all nominees are paid, active members.
iv. Ensure nominees submit a biography which includes what they have contributed thus far to SAA DCOM and what qualifies them for said position.
c. If a member of the nominating committee decides to run for an elected position, they must immediately resign their position on the nominating committee. OR Once a member joins the nominating committee, he or she is no longer eligible to run for any elected position.
3. Service/Social Committee: It shall be the duty of the Service/Social Committee to:

a. Design programs that strive to fulfill the mission of the organization.

b. Plan such projects as are necessary to render service first to DCOM and second to the community’s health related activities.
4. Historical/Publishing Committee: The Historical/Publishing Committee shall;

a. Keep track of all activities of the club, and arrange for appropriate photography of club activities and events for use in the newsletter, SAA DCOM webpage, scrapbook, recruiting/orientation, or for submission to DCOM or the AAOA.

b. If directed by the Executive Board, put together a scrapbook with pictures and descriptions of club meetings, social activities, and community service activities.
c. Be responsible for keeping the SAA DCOM website up-to-date.
d. Submit photos and club information to the AAOA.

e. Work with committee chairs in requesting necessary posters of club activities and events.
5. Finance Committee: The Finance Committee shall:

a. Consist of the Executive Board

b. Complete and approve the budget for the fiscal year.

Section D: Removal
     In the event of a committee chair failing to attend two out of three consecutive meetings or failing to perform the duties of his/her office without good and sufficient cause in the opinion of the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall question his/her ability to continue to serve in that present capacity. A vote of two-thirds of the Executive Board present shall declare the position vacant.

Article X: Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this organization in all proceedings not provided for in these bylaws.

Article XI: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the SAA DCOM by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that the proposed amendments have been sent to the membership at least forty-five days prior to this meeting.